My first official blog will be dedicated to what occurred in my home only moments ago.
Sundae: "Hooby," (I have his attention) "listen to what happened on Wednesday night..."
(Aaron has already lost focus and turned his head back to the t.v.)
Sundae: "Ahem! Are you listening to me?!"
(He slowly turns his head towards me, eyes still fixed on the Goonies on t.v.)
Sundae: "I know you're not paying attention to me if you're looking at the t.v."
(No response)
Sundae: "Nevermind." (I am irritated)
A few minutes later... and coincidentally a commercial...
Aaron: "Are you mad about something?"
Sundae: "Oh, it's nothing!"
This is the end of the dialogue. He does not press why I'm irritated, nor does he ask what it was that I was trying to tell him in the first place. If I never spoke again, I'm not sure he would notice.